Monday, 9 May 2016

Homework for week 9th - 13th May 2016

Monday: Handwriting - letter w; Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from new reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (Where, grass); Read pages 2 & 3 and answer comprehension questions orally.

Tuesday - Handwring - letter x, Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from new reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (Burger, ice cream, milk); Read pages 4 & 5 and answer comprehension questions orally.

Wednesday: New sound - 'qu' in sound book; Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from new reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (No new words - revise all words so far this week); Read pages 6 & 7 and answer comprehension questions orally.

Thursday - Maths sheet; Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from new reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (there, Now, box, It, in, box); Read pages 8 & 9 and answer comprehension questions orally.

*Over the course of the week please read Sails reader and practice current Dolch list. If anybody would like more Sails readers just email me. I have plenty in the classroom for extra reading practice.

Also, just a reminder about the 15 Euro for the school tour for those of you that have yet to pay. Thanks!

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