Monday, 30 May 2016

No homework 30th May - 1st June

There won't be any homework this week as it's a short week. Sinéad has asked all teachers to ease up on the homework from now until the end of the year. So for the remainder of June there will not be any written homework, just some reading practice. This week however there is no homework at all.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Guest speaker: A dental nurse

For the last two weeks our Aistear theme has been the dentist. In preparation for our role-play, Stan's mam from Niamh's Junior Infants came in last week to speak to all the children about the dentist, what happens there, and some of the tools they use. The kids came up with a series of interview questions that they wanted to ask her about the dentist surgery and oral hygeine. Here are some pictures!

Monday, 23 May 2016

Homework to complete Monday 23rd – 27th May 2016

Homework to complete Monday 23rd – 27th May 2016

Handwriting: Finish last 5 pages of handwriting book.

Sounds: Practice flashcards of single and double sounds. Cut them up if you wish! Assessment will take place next week on all sounds covered this year. Please do not focus on the letter name, but rather on the sound it makes.

Dolch 2: Practice all Dolch 2 words for assessment next week. The Dolch words are high frequency words, the words we see most often in texts. These words are sight words and need to be recognised instantly rather than reading by blending. A lot of these words like “here” cannot be blended by sounding out individual sounds.

Sails reader: Practice reading book. Apologies, I didn't get a chance to put books in today. Will do tomorrow.

*Please have homework folders in every day as we’ll be doing Sails reading practice. Thanks!

Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Recently in class we have been discussing food, and talking about what's healthy and what's not. To end the topic, last Friday I thought it would be nice if we could all do some baking. So we made healthy cookies! Every child had a little job to do so it was a class effort. The kids were so excited all day to try them. Unfortunately they were put into the oven for too long and were overdone... :-/ The children were not impressed at all and unfortunately nobody enjoyed them (including myself!). I told the children I'd make the cookies again over the weekend, which I did, and they all tried them yesterday. The cookies were demolished, and most wanted seconds! I thought I'd post the recipe... The cookies are free from gluten and refined sugars and are a super healthy snack. 

Chewy Sultana Cookies

Each cookie is deliciously soft and chewy with sweet hints of banana, apple and honey and juicy bites of sultanas. They’re really inexpensive to make too, which is awesome – plus they don’t need any fancy equipment like a food processor so they’re accessible to you wherever you are in the world! They’re super portable too so you can take them on the go with you or hide some in your desk drawer.

- 270g of porridge oats
- 4 ripe bananas (about 500g)
- 3 tablespoons of honey
- 150g of sultanas
- 4 red apples (about 550g)
- 2 teaspoons of cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 200C.

Grate the apples (no need to peel them) and mash the bananas. Drain the excess liquid from the grated apples using a sieve. Then mix them with all the remaining ingredients in a bowl.
Grease a baking tray with coconut oil.

Scoop a heaped tablespoon of the mix and pat it into flat cookies shape on the tray, do this until all the mixture has been used. Try to get an even amount of sultanas in each cookie as those that are heavier with sultanas are more likely to burn. The mixture should make about 25 cookies.

Then bake the cookies for about 30 minutes until they turn golden brown, at this point take them out of the oven and let them cool slightly.

Radio recording

Last week, Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Class were aired on Q102 radio station. Cathy, Wil's mom kindly sourced a recording of it all. Here it is! Our gang are on at around 3 mins 20 seconds in.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Homework 16th - 20th May

Monday: Handwriting - letter z; Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from class reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (pancakes, are, buns, bag); Read pages 10 & 11 and answer comprehension questions orally.

Tuesday: Handwriting - page with revision of letters c, o, a; Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from class reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (fall, Winchilla, will, get); Read pages 12 & 13 and answer comprehension questions orally.

Wednesday: Sound book - 'ou'. Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from class reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (But, make); Read pages 14 & 15 and answer comprehension questions orally.

Thursday: Maths number practice sheet. Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from class reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (too, big); Read page 16 and answer comprehension questions orally.

This week I have put a list of Dolch 1 words into all children's folders. Next week they will be assessed on their knowledge of Dolch 1, so if you could revise over all words this week that would be great. We've been going over them in class recently as well. Please practice Sails readers too at some stage over the course of the week.

Could all parents ensure their child's homework folder is in their bag on Tuesday and Wednesday? Parent volunteers will be coming in to do some reading practice with the kids. We'll need their Sails readers. Thanks!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016


Our class should (hopefully) be on air tomorrow morning or Friday morning at 8.45 - 8.50am. It'll only be on for 20 or 30 seconds so could easily be missed. Just letting you all know in case you want to tune in.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Homework for week 9th - 13th May 2016

Monday: Handwriting - letter w; Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from new reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (Where, grass); Read pages 2 & 3 and answer comprehension questions orally.

Tuesday - Handwring - letter x, Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from new reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (Burger, ice cream, milk); Read pages 4 & 5 and answer comprehension questions orally.

Wednesday: New sound - 'qu' in sound book; Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from new reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (No new words - revise all words so far this week); Read pages 6 & 7 and answer comprehension questions orally.

Thursday - Maths sheet; Cut up and practice today's flashcard words from new reader 'Gg is Too Big!' (there, Now, box, It, in, box); Read pages 8 & 9 and answer comprehension questions orally.

*Over the course of the week please read Sails reader and practice current Dolch list. If anybody would like more Sails readers just email me. I have plenty in the classroom for extra reading practice.

Also, just a reminder about the 15 Euro for the school tour for those of you that have yet to pay. Thanks!

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Wednesday: Handwriting - letter v. Finish 'The Picnic' reader. We will begin our new reader next week.

Thursday: Maths 'weight' worksheet and Sails reader.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

No homework

No homework today! I owe the children a night off homework as they've been making a huge effort recycling rubbish in the classroom. We got 10 'green cards' in a row. Homework will return tomorrow night!