Tuesday, 26 April 2016


Back before the break in March, Q102 radio station came to our school and interviewed some of the children as part of their 'Kids Talk' show. When they came into our class they asked the kids what they wanted to be when they're older. Q102 have contacted us to say that they'll be on air on May 9th at 9.30am.

Monday, 25 April 2016

Homework 25th - 29th April

Monday: Handwriting book letter 'f' and The Picnic read pg. 11 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words The, milk, is, on, the, table. Please sign when completed. Dolch list needs to be practiced as well. 

Tuesday: Handwriting book letter 'j' and The Picnic read pg. 12 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words The, cake, is, on, the, table. Please sign when completed. Dolch list needs to be practiced too.

Wednesday: Sounds book - Write and draw 'th' words and The Picnic read pg. 13 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words The, ice cream, is, on, the, table. Please sign when completed. Practice Dolch list also.

ThursdayMaths sheet and The Picnic read pg. 14 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words Everything, is, on, the, table. Please sign when completed. Practice Dolch list.

New Sails reader should be practiced also. I'll switch it at the end of the week. If you feel your child could do with an extra Sails reader please email me and this can be arranged. I'll pop the Sails readers into their bags in the morning. A few children have not returned readers from last week. I'd appreciate if you could bring them in tomorrow. Thanks!

*I have put a note about our school tour in the homework folders. Please read! 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Checking out some local habitats

We have been learning about some different habitats in Geography. Last Friday we took a trip to Father Collins Park to see if we could spot any animals in their habitats. Of course we had to stop by the playground too. Here are the pictures!

Monday, 18 April 2016

Friday's assembly

As our assembly is on Friday, I'd be very grateful if the children could practice the lyrics to the song 'The Ugly Duckling'. Also, if anybody has a duck/ bird/ chicken costume or even feathers of some sort that we could use it would be fantastic if you could let me know!


There once was an ugly duckling
With feathers all stubby and brown
And the other birds said in so many words said
QUACK get out of town
QUACK get out, QUACK QUACK get out, QUACK QUACK get out of town
And he went with a quack and a waddle and a quack
In a flurry of eiderdown.

That poor little ugly duckling
Went wandering far and near
But at every place they said to his face now
QUACK get out of here
QUACK get out, QUACK QUACK get out, QUACK QUACK get out of here
And he went with a quack and a waddle and a quack
And a very unhappy tear.

All through the wintertime he hid himself away
Ashamed to show his face, afraid of what others might say
All through the winter in his lonely clump of wheat
Till a flock of swans spied him there and very soon agreed
You’re a very fine swan indeed! 

A swan? Me a swan? Ah, go on!
You’re a swan, take a look at yourself in the lake and you’ll see
And he looked, and he saw, and he said
I am a swan! Wheeeeeeee! 

I’m not such an ugly duckling
No feathers all stubby and brown
For in fact these birds in so many words said 
QUACK the best in town
QUACK the best, QUACK QUACK the best QUACK QUACK the best in town.

Homework week 18th - 22nd April

Homework for this week is below. 

Last week we started our class reader, The Picnic. Every child in the class has a book in their homework folder and a booklet outlining reading homework for each night. PLEASE SIGN to confirm that your child has done the reading homework. Thanks!

Every night they will be asked to read one page, and answer questions (orally) based on that page. I have also included a sheet of flashcard words which can be used to re-enforce the new words in the reader. It is best if these are cut up, and practiced according to whichever words feature on the page assigned for homework that night. We will be practicing these words in class too, and I will be listening to their reading as well. 

Each child will also have a Sails reader in their folder which is switched on a weekly basis. Please focus on The Picnic first. The Sails reader is for additional reading practice, so if there is time children can then read their Sails reader. If reading both exceeds 15 - 20 minutes of homework time, please just stick to reading The Picnic

Monday: Handwriting book letter 'p' and The Picnic read pg. 7 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words GG, has, the, table. Please sign when completed. Dolch list needs to be practiced as well. 

Tuesday: Handwriting book letter 'k' and The Picnic read pg. 8 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words Orin, has, the, cake. Please sign when completed. Dolch list needs to be practiced too.

Wednesday: Sounds book - Write and draw 'sh' words and The Picnic read pg. 9 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words Ella, has, the, ice cream. Please sign when completed. Practice Dolch list also.

ThursdayMaths sheet and The Picnic read pg. 10 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words GG, has, the, milk. Please sign when completed. Practice Dolch list.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

*Sails readers will be put into their folders tomorrow (Tuesday) for additional reading practice. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

A date for the diary

Good afternoon everybody,

Just a quick note to say that our Junior Infants class will be hosting the school assembly on Friday 22nd April. We'll be putting on a little performance - singing a song and saying a few words. If you're free first thing in the morning and able to attend that would be great. 

Monday, 11 April 2016

Homework for week 11th - 15th April 2016

Homework for this week is below. 

Please note that we are starting our class reader, The Picnic. Every child in the class has a book in their homework folder and a booklet outlining reading homework for each night. 

Every night they will be asked to read one page, and answer questions (orally) based on that page. I have also included a sheet of flashcard words which can be used to re-enforce the new words in the reader. It is best if these are cut up, and practiced according to whichever words feature on the page assigned for homework that night. We will be practicing these words in class too, and I will be listening to their reading as well. 

Each child will also have a Sails reader in their folder which is switched on a weekly basis. Please focus on The Picnic first. The Sails reader is for additional reading practice, so if there is time children can then read their Sails reader. If reading both exceeds 15 - 20 minutes of homework time, please just stick to reading The Picnic

Monday: Handwriting book letter 't' and The Picnic read pg. 2 - 3 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words Here, is, the, cake. Please sign when completed. Dolch list needs to be practiced as well. 

Tuesday: Handwriting book letter 'b' and The Picnic read pg. 4 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words Here, is, the, ice-cream. Please sign when completed. Dolch list needs to be practiced too.

Wednesday: Sounds book - Write and draw 'ch' words and The Picnic read pg. 5 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words Here, is, the, milk. Please sign when completed. Practice Dolch list also.

Thursday: Maths sheet and The Picnic read pg. 6 and answer assigned comprehension questions. Cut up and practice flashcard words Here, is, the, table. Please sign when completed. Practice Dolch list.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

*Sails readers will be put into their folders tomorrow (Tuesday) for additional reading practice.

Junior Infants Coffee Morning

Hi all, Johanne has asked me to remind you about the Junior Infant Coffee Morning on Wednesday 13th at 8.40am in the Afterschool room. If you're free, why not pop in and get chatting to some other parents. 

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

G.A.A. session with Neill

Here's a sample of some of the fun and games the children have had with Neill in G.A.A. this year. 

Monday, 4 April 2016

Homework for week 4th - 8th April 2016

Welcome back everyone! Homework is as follows...

1. Sails reader. The children should use their knowledge of blending/ combining sounds to make words, as well as recognition of Dolch words (sight words) to decode the sentences. There is a lot of repetition in these books, which helps them become familiar with words. The pictures can help them with reading comprehension too. At the back of the book there are sample questions you can ask your child too. I'll swap the books weekly.

2. Next marked page in handwriting book. 

1. Sails reader.

2. Marked page in handwriting book. 

1. Dolch words. These are words where the sounds can't be easily blended to make a word. The children need to know these words by sight. The children will work on the Dolch lists at their own ability. FYI our school plan states that by the end of Junior Infants children should be fully confident and familiar with at Dolch lists 1 and 2

2. New sound 'ng' in sounds book.

1. Dolch list.

2. Maths worksheet (Will be put in their folder tomorrow, Tuesday!)

*Next week we will be starting our first guided reader - The Picnic.