Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Homework for week of the 19th October

Homework for the week:

Monday: None (teacher on a course day)

Tuesday: b

Wednesday: j

Thursday: z

(Myself and Niamh have decided to skip the double letter sounds for now and complete all the single letter sounds first, so you may need to skip on a few pages in the homework copy.)

Thanks everyone!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Fine Motor Skills Ideas

Fine Motor skills are the foundation children need before they learn handwriting, in order to have proper pencil grasp and control of a writing instrument. Here are some websites with simple, cheap/ free ideas that can be practiced at home.



Wednesday, 14 October 2015

This week's homework

Homework for the remainder of the week:

Wednesday - l
Thursday - f

Monday, 12 October 2015

Winners of the school listening competetion

Hi everybody,

The children have NO HOMEWORK TONIGHT! This is a whole-class reward for being the best listeners at Friday's assembly. Every week the Student Council chooses one class. A big well done to all the boys and girls. They are making great progress :-)

Monday, 5 October 2015


Hi everyone,

The homework sounds for this week (week of 5th October) are:

Monday - d
Tuesday - g
Wednesday - o
Thursday - u

As always, if you could revise all the previous sounds every night too that would be great. Little and often is the key to letter recognition!


Friday, 2 October 2015

Food Dudes Week 1 Update!

The children have all been really adventurous this week trying out lots of new vegetables and fruit. Here is a summary of what they have eaten this week:

Monday - apples and mange tout
Tuesday - bananas and peppers
Wednesday - grapes and carrots
Thursday - oranges and cucumbers
Friday - apples and mange tout (bigger portion)

They're doing a great job keeping General Junk at bay, and they're all delighted with their stickers and new pencils and rubbers.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Information Evening Powerpoint

A big thank you for attending the information evening on Tuesday. It was lovely to see so many familiar faces. For those of you who couldn't make it, that's not a problem. Here is the Powerpoint!