Monday, 21 December 2015


Hello everybody,

A big well done to all the children for completing their first term of Junior Infants. Everyone has settled in really well to Belmayne ETNS, and they've all become great pals. It's so nice to have a class that are really kind and friendly to each other. They're a close knit bunch!

I would like to remind everyone that we are off school tomorrow at 12pm. I hope you all enjoy the break, and see you in 2016!

Kind regards,

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Some parents have been asking about grannies and grandads coming to the assembly too. As the prefab is small, Sinéad has asked that only two adults per child come to the play. Sorry for any inconvenience caused!

Monday, 14 December 2015

No written homework this week

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Just to let you know, Sinéad has requested that as of today (14th December) the children will have no written homework until the New Year. Instead, this week could the children focus on practicing all songs and lines for the school play? All songs are on the class blog. I have sent a script home with the children who have speaking parts to practice their lines.

Also, you will notice that in your child’s homework folder there is an ‘All About Me’ history questionnaire. If you could chat about these questions with your child, and fill in the answers that would be fantastic. I will collect the sheets on Friday 18th December.

Another reminder to you all that the class assembly will be on at 9.30am this Thursday 17th December in Jessica’s 5th Class prefab. Tea/ coffee will be available to all from 9am in the main building. I would kindly ask that all the children please come to school already dressed in costume. As I mentioned on the blog, the clothes required are anything bright/ multicoloured/ fun. I have already spoken to parents separately if their child is to wear anything different to that.

Looking forward to seeing lots of you on Thursday! If you have any questions at all feel free to email me on

Many thanks,


Tuesday, 8 December 2015


Hello everybody, 
Here are some of the songs we have been learning for our asssembly. It would be great if you could practice the words at home with your kids!

It's a Hard Knock Life (up to 41 seconds)

We've Got Rights (up to 51 seconds)

Happy (up to 50 seconds)

Play With me

One of the girls will be singing 'Working 9 to 5' up to the chorus (1.08) The rest of the class will be clapping to the beat of the chorus.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Costumes for the assembly

Dear parents/ guardians,
For the Winter Show this year, every class has been asked to choose a Human Right and base a performance around it. I have chosen “The Right to Play and Rest” and we will be doing Cinderella. With regards to costumes, could he/ she wear brightly coloured/ multi-coloured clothes? Cinderella is going to be going to a concert/ music festival instead of the ball!! So any sort of accessories like sunglasses, caps, funky hats, wellies, headbands, bohemian accessories etc. can be part of the costume! Anything fun really. I'll be putting the songs we’ll be singing on the blog if you’d like to practice the words and actions with your child. 

Many thanks, and looking forward to seeing you all at the assembly!

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Visit from the Gardai

Two friendly Gardaí visited us earlier this week! They told Junior Infants all about their jobs.They even showed us speed cameras, breathalysers, radios and handcuffs! 

Monday, 30 November 2015

Hi all,

A few people are inquiring about costumes for the assembly. As we have only been practicing the songs, I haven't assigned any roles yet. By the end of the week, all children will know their role and I'll send a note home about outfits etc.


Monday, 23 November 2015

Our theme for the next two weeks is 'Emergency Services', and in Aistear we'll be exploring The Police Station. If anybody has any props that they'd like to donate for the role play area it would be greatly appreciated... Toy guns, police hats/ badges, handcuffs, magnifying glass, costumes etc. All items will be returned once we have finished the theme.

Also, our school play is on Thursday 17th December. If any children are NOT going to be in school that day could you let me know as soon as possible before I start giving out parts for the play?

Many thanks,

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Teaching Practice student

Dear parents/ guardians,

For the next four weeks, Stephen, a student in St. Patrick’s Teaching College will be completing his Teaching Practice with the class. He’ll teach 3-4 lessons per day, following the Junior Infant curriculum under my supervision. As a 3rd year student, Stephen has already had prior teaching experience. Stephen has already met the children and is really looking forward to working with the children. Any thoughts or comments, as always please feel free to contact me on

Kind regards,


Thursday, 19 November 2015

New words

The children have been introduced to 'Tricky words' this week. This week we have learned the words 'the', 'to', 'I', 'he'. Tricky words are words that cannot be blended/ sounded out. They're common words that the children just have to learn by sight, and frequent repetition. This isn't necessarily homework, we'll be sending word lists home later on in the year. However, if you would like to point the words out whilst out and about/ at home if you come across them, that would definitely be beneficial! We will be learning a few new words each week.

In class we have also started to blend simple CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant words). Last week we focused on -at words e.g. mat, bat, cat etc. This week it's -an words e.g. pan, man, fan etc. The website has some good games if you'd like to practice!


A selection of pictures from the year so far... New friends, play, Aistear, singing, interviewing a nurse (Jasmine's mom), playground fun after our Autumn walk, Science Week activities, and some food tasting during our 'Five Senses' stations.